October 28th 2014, I published my first blog, 'Adding Fuel To Your Fire' it was actually an apple juice that had ginger in it. What was unique to me at that time was writing about beauty starting from within. The ginger helps to settle any stomach and to give you some energy as well with the apple. Fast forward to 2015, in April, when I had the pleasure of interviewing Anna Mitsios from Edible Beauty Australia, 'Let's Turn Beauty Inside Out' . At that time I hadn't had much experience. I had previously, around the year 2000, when I worked as a dance music reporter for Central Station Records and Universal Music as well. 'Kosheen KMR Interview 2001' . However I hadn't really done anything that was personal to me as that was working for somebody else and Anna sat down with me and told me all about her beautiful world of Edible Beauty. At that time I had some pretty bad eczema and overnight, after using Cocoa Bliss, that's my a testimonial, it w...