An Unorthodox Federation

Happy Orthodox Easter!

I burst into tears last night when I called my mum to wish her a happy Easter as she lives interstate and I can't travel to be with her like I would love to due to Coronavirus restrictions.

I will miss this Easter weekend, more so I will miss my mum.

Healthy Work

I Work At Gaslight Pharmacy. Original Post: Gaslight Pharmacy-40 Years

Panic. Attack.

Panic-/ˈpanɪk/. noun
Sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behaviour eg."she hit him in panic".

I don't know the answer to the current stockpiling situation, but I do know that aggression and violence is never the answer or part of the process.

"violence isn't necessary. If your words carry no weight, there is no need to 'throw your weight around'. Maybe your point is pointless or your words are falling on deaf ears, walk away. Keep walking, keep talking, you'll find your way"-excerpt from my blog-Violently Opposed To Violence .

King M. Rakic



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