Violently Opposed To Violence
This is fierce, on different levels..LOL
I was raised to take life seriously, to do what I do to my best ability, and "Darling have fun. I love you" my mum often says.Try it, get it done and have some fun. I'm still working on receiving compliments, not aesthetically, but rather on my achievements, I tend to play down my achievements and then I get frozen when it comes to acknowledging it in public.
At work last month, I (frozen again now typing this. I don't want to sound full of myself) was the employee of the month, I also won a national merchandising competition. I'm definitely not shy, maybe it is an ingrained, yet drowning, sense of humility.
My post on when it happened-here
If someone wants to verbally shoot you down, then let them, it is not a sign of weakness on your part, as sometimes there is strength in silence. Other times, you go for it, stick to your facts, name calling is desperation personified, factually fire away, even if you don't have a "Whiskerpedia" page and you have no idea what you are talking about..fake it til you make it, just don't become fake..deliver upon your words and give it 10% more.
Image from The Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation
No matter how strong or "switched on" you think that you may be, social media and media in general can get to you in a bad way on some level. Things have a way of manifesting themselves.
"Fighting fire with fire prolongs the hurt and it burns more people.
There is strength in silence. Their action towards you doesn't require a reaction from you. But later it will require action on your part, a healing action"-excerpt from my blog: Hurtful Healing
King M. Rakic
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