
My Video Clip Was Reposted By Bondi Sands- The Bondi Sands Guy
Went Viral With +52K Views.
Wowza! 🙏

The Beginning Of The End

My caption under my video above explains it all. Logistically I had finished my Vlog product review which included an extra level of detail as I wanted to update my advice from my previous blogs on the subject of "Self Tan Tutorials". As the resident Beauty Expert within Gaslight Pharmacy where I work, I conduct face to face tutorials from self tan to skincare routines as well as men's grooming. Training and writing down notes is fine, but some people need more. I teach, but I never preach. 

Skincare, hair care and other tutorials are fine for me to conduct at work, but self tanning your body isn't always conducive to this environment. I do show examples on my hands and arms, but it still is a lot of information to remember and that is why I "write a referral" to my blog for my customers to read and watch my videos as a back up at a later stage. My bespoke touch..but touch free, instead watch me!

May 2016, My Blog "Better Than Real Thing"

Anyone can Google and watch a tutorial online, however you are most likely watching a model who is instructed by a trainer from that company on how to use their products before they film their Vlog. If you message their YouTube page, is the model the right person to answer your question? Do they have the same skin type as you? That could take some time, it may not happen, a lot of people have told me how they have stopped before they have even started when it came to trying something new, especially in regards to trying self tanning products for the first time. 

I make it look easy, because it can be once you get the right answers and you give it a go. But answers to questions don't necessarily instil confidence in a person. I know that because two years ago I was a last minute customer in a shop and I was in need of a self tanning product. I got stuck on 'Dark Tan' & 'Deep Tan' on a brand that I haven't used before.  

How deep is dark? How dark is deep?

The staff didn't know, you can't just try it and know straight away. A tan needs time to develop. Time I that I did not have. I needed a definitive answer as the party that I was preparing for was on the following night. I chose to err on the side of caution based on nothing. Nothing-the information that was offered to me. The staff huddled together literally and guessed as to which tan was darker than the other. They didn't know. I left empty handed and rather amused at the aforementioned huddle. I totally get it when customers tell me that they still aren't sure what to do. Which is why I chose to try Aero Aerated Self Tanning Foam by Bondi Sands, last week. Despite the fact that I have worked with the brand for nearly 10 years now. Being an experienced professional in the beauty industry isn't everything. Formulas change, they get better, I can read up on that anytime, but imagine a chef who never tasted what he cooked? My technical knowledge is good, it is important, but experience is everything..."have you tried it?".

Back when I first started self tanning,"Tan Erasers" didn't exist, like they do now. I can honestly say that I haven't had to use one. In my early days, my faux pas where aggressively exfoliated away when I made my mistakes in my quest for the perfect fake tan whilst using tanning lotions that where more fifty shades of orange than they where a true Faux Tan. 

Ten years ago what was marketed as "doesn't smell like fake tan", did indeed smell like fake tan. Fake being the key word as the self tanning colour was just that, fake. I took a long break from that world until they improved. Now they are are better, much better. So much so that I have had to condition myself as to not use the term "fake tan" anymore as the colour is looking pretty real to me. Without having to fry myself on a sunbed or to deal with the sun's damaging rays in years to come.

I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge, but I'm also a #TechniqueFreak. I want to get it right, so that my customers get it right as well. If not, they may not try it again, then I lose them as a customer and we both lose out. A bit like that time 2 years ago when I had to walk out of that store without a self tanning product because the staff had no idea as to the depth of the self tan darkness that they had within their store. Those who huddled, only left me feeling befuddled.

"Unwavering Favoring" - My Review In January Of The Bondi Sands 1 Hour Express Tanning Foam. Still In My Top 5 Read Blogs This Month.

I have worked in the beauty industry for over 20 years now. I live breathe and use beauty products and if it's "not for me" (for example Lactofferin Enhanced probiotic which has had some amazing results with people who have mild to moderate acne, not me. In that case I research it and I do my own trials on top of that of the manufacturer with my customers. Where there is a will, I will find a way). 

My Video Clip That Went Viral
+ My Full Length Video That Started It All. Just A Bit Of Joie De Vivre Recorded In My Apartment.

Sales-Where Do I Draw The Line?

I work in sales and marketing during the day. However no business wants refunds from their customers being sold to unnecessarily, that is a false economy. I trial products in my own time, under no obligation, no pay from work or from the supplier of the product and then if it is something that would work well for my customers, I review it back to management at work. This blog is 100% not for profit, therefore any product or service that I blog about, I truly like or have a great feeling that it could help other people, but it just needs a hand, like the time when I first started blogging. I needed someone to believe in me, when I wasn't sure of myself, those people were really cool, I want to be that guy for other people, pay it forward, I still want efficacy though aka #BeautyWithSubstance .

My Vlog Review Of The New 

The last 3 days have been amazing. Watching my Reposted video views going viral on Bondi Sands' page increase was surreal, humbling and exciting. 

Here It Is- KMR On Bondi Sands

"You should do this"...and that...was the advice that I received. People where excited for me that was wonderful, but it felt like they were selling a lifestyle to me and that isn't what I need. Please read my last three blogs, I want to continue to win awards, I want more people to read my blog, I want/need to feel like I am of service. No more or less than those within our community who have special needs, this moment of notoriety surrounding my passion for the beauty industry is no way more important than the advocacy work that I do voluntarily for mental health and disability awareness. These are the pieces of my heart, my heart is whole and grateful. I can do this, I got this, I just need more than 3 days...Follow me- Instagram & Facebook 

King M. Rakic
Feeling #Tantastic


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