Have you ever seen a double bloom white strelitzia? aka Bird Of Paradise. A first for me. To achieve a first in this day and age is rare, I have achieved this a couple of times, I worked damn hard, recognition and the accolades came, as did my writers block. The thought of writing "I did good, I won awards"...this made me nauseous. For someone like myself who put Extra into extrovert, how could this be? It was and at times, it is. Out on a date, it's plain to see.
Apparently it takes years to perfect this bloom, who has the patience? The flower is top heavy, this I know from many trials and errors, then the bloom swings in it's own direction, from left to right, far from being Insta ready, annoying, eventually it stops and there it is. From good grounding, we can achieve.
🌱Bloom Grown & 📷 : Marcia Monterey, Facebook. Upcycling at the base.
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