Plastique Fantastique

Tests on major brands of bottled water have found that nearly all of them contained tiny particles of plastic.

"We found [plastic] in bottle after bottle and brand after brand. It's not about pointing fingers at particular brands; it's really showing that this is everywhere, that plastic has become such a pervasive material in our society, and it’s pervading water - all of these products that we consume at a very basic level."

Currently, there is no evidence that ingesting very small pieces of plastic (microplastics) can cause harm, but understanding the potential implications is an active area of science."-
I am not an alarmist, but I think I might try to avoid drinking out of plastic water bottles when I can. I don't know if many people are aware that plastic bottles of water and drink, are only designed to be used once (an issue with them going to landfill is another concern) and not to be refilled and used again- “Bacteria that may settle in the cracks and scratches of the bottle appear to pose a greater health risk than the possibility of chemicals leaching from the plastic during daily risk."-…/reuse-plastic-water-bot…

I think that I will try to avoid all plastic bottles, even the "BPA free" plastic. I know that this is going to be hard, I'll try little by a little tiny particle..

King M. Rakic


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