Hair We Go Again

King M. Rakic selfie outdoors

29 years ago (Wow..that's a long time ago. Age doesn't bother me. Wrinkles and bad hair bother me and so I hunt for products and services. I'm always open to new innovation) my first job out of college was as a hairdressing apprentice at Antics Hair

In that time I have bleached, teased and grown my hair with the help of numerous chemicals and botanicals. There were quite a few hits and double the amount of misses in terms of the products that I have used both on myself and with clients. The haircare industry isn't known for samples to try at home, they do appear occasionally, ask your pharmacy or retailer. Over the years many a shampoo has ended up as my body wash. What a waste of money, time and resources.
King M. Rakic, as the lead character 'Irwin' in the full length feature film "PictoCrime-The Case Of The Missing Green", Jon Dixon Film, 2004.

"I have curly hair, I prefer it to be straight. I have heard the opposite story many times, over and over again"-KMR  

Klorane Strengthening & Revitalizing Shampoo With Quinine

Klorane Strengthening & Revitalising Shampoo's key ingredient is quinine which comes from the cinchona tree which in South America. Its bark is rich in Quinine which is harvested by hand. It has powerful strengthening and revitalising properties.

Using Klorane has taught me to embrace my curl as their shampoo has given me the look of finger waves, without the excruciating work that it takes to position and set my hair for it to achieve this classic look which is a compulsory part of a hairdressers training. Of course individual results may vary, but this individual is very impressed with his results. This is a hit with me.
This product review blog is my independant review of the shampoo, 
with my experienced opinion. Hopefully it helps others. 
I am 100% not for profit. Products gratefully supplied by Klorane.
Last but not least, there is the great work of The Klorane Botanical Foundation, the company foundation of Laboratories Pierre Fabre, which acts for the protection and valorisation of botanical heritage. Its creation in 1994 reflects the intention of Mr Pierre Fabre to make a strong commitment to preserving natural species and to allow as many people as possible to share the knowledge acquired in the fields of botany and mycology since the Group was created. Wonderful!

King M. Rakic
Another hit Klorane product review - I Am Naturally Sensitive & Irritated


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