Forest Bathing

A visit to a forest may not be a viable option for us all, although it is highly recommended. A long walk in the evening (especially just after the rain has stopped as the negative ions* are fresh in the clean air) throughout your neighbourhood can help to clear your mind and to prepare you for a good night's sleep. As long as you feel safe to do so. You may want to wear a baseball cap if you are experiencing Age-Otori.
A weekly bath infused with a generous amount of Himilayan rock salts, a sprinkle of Radox Muscle Soothe and Badedas will whisk you away to a 'forest bathing' getaway.

🏴Negative ions are tasteless, odorless and invisible molecules that we inhale when we are in environments that contain moving water, like rain or a waterfall. Once the negative ions reach our bloodstream, they are believed to produce biochemical reactions that help to relieve stress, alleviate depression and even boost our energy.


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