To Russia, With Love.

KMR Beaute Readership, 1-24th March
Ever since my blog opened on the 28th of October 2014, America has held the top spot in terms of readership numbers and it still holds that position over all time. However Russia has surprisingly claimed the top spot for the month of March so far.

What does this mean?
Not much really, but I am very grateful for everyone who takes the time to read my blog.

I am a people person, but reports on facts and figures are great as well. What you think and feel about yourself or a situation overall, may not match with other peoples viewpoint. It may differ greatly from yours. That is not how they see it/you. 

Work, relationships, personal goals...You can choose to accept hard facts or you can choose to accept how you feel and how you imagine things should be.

To be or not to be, that is the question?!



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