The Forty Dollar Probiotic/Bionic Man

I think it is time for me to sort myself out. My mother's recent bout with cancer has shaken me to my very foundation, she is my one true living relative.

The products in the above photo don't have a lot to do with "preventing cancer" if there is such a thing (other than my personal vandetta against microwave ovens and teflon plated anything), except for the SPF 15 moisturiser as my skincare currently does not have any sun protection..Melanoma and all that.

Watching my mum pop pills all my life, for stomach acid problems etc and so forth, has put me off pills so I try to simplify my life. A good multivitamin and Mega B starts my day off to a good start. I guess that I can add a probiotic now that they come in the fridge free variety...I am easing myself into this now that I have learnt (as I work in a pharmacy) of all the positive benefits and the advances in the different strains.

I used to do the Yakult probiotic drink thing back in the day, have to keep it in the fridge, have to buy it each week..that didnt last long.

I don't smoke, I barely drink alcohol that often, I choose to walk home from work for 45 minutes each night, I can "eat whatever I want without putting on weight," but cholesterol can still get why would I bother? I don't know, I guess I am selfish. I want my mum to out live me, but I want to live a really long time before that ever happens. 

I don't overly love myself, but I don't hate myself either. Those years and years have passed. I just want to continue to be happy.

King M. Rakic


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