I Hate This Part Right Here..

I know that I preach positivity, that's how I was raised, even against mighty adversity. However I was never raised on how I should deal with having only 1 real relative on this planet (my mum) who had a double mastectomy only a few short weeks ago. 

I am going through this cycle of grief. Something has died inside of me a little bit, yet my mum is alive. What is that? 

I won't let hate comsume me, it can't because it quickly gets replaced by fear and then by loss and then by helplessness and then by overwhelming emotions that I can not place into words, then by peace, then by calm, then by distraction, then by love, then by someone's hug. 

King M. Rakic.
-Microwave ovens & teflon coated frying pans need to be banned. I have no definitive proof, but I feel this way nonetheless.


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