Dis(is my)connection

Birds of a feather flock together.

It's good to feel a connection. It's good to also disconnect.

In a room full of people, some may still feel lonely. Some live on their own and they never feel lonely. 

"The opposite of loneliness is a state of togetherness in which you crave solitude, whereas loneliness is a state of being alone that makes you crave the presence of others. The emotional state, as opposed to the physical fact, is the thing that determines what is opposite"-Quora.com

Craving-Does this stimulate happiness? Or does it temporarily stimulate dopamine production?

If we walk through the shadow of craving, can we bask in the light?
I believe we can. 

"Even through the darkest phase
Be it thick or thin
Always someone marches brave
Here beneath my skin

And constant
Has always

Maybe a great magnet pulls
All souls to what's true
Or maybe it is life itself
That feeds wisdom to its youth"-K.D Lang



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