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An Unanticipated Paroxysm
Sad facts in the attached image.
Lets help one another.
Previously I have worked as a fast food Manager. I was HACCP certified to work with food and I had my first aid certificate. You don't need all of that to help someone who is having an epileptic seizure, colloquially called an epileptic fit.
Basically they black out and their body remains stiff whilst shaking for a few minutes. Support their head so that it is not hitting the ground or the table if they are seated. After a few minutes they are concious and they may ask you if they just had an epileptic fit. Be calm, I know it may be hard, but just ask them if they need anything else. Ask them if they are taking any medication and please help them take it at that point. Generally you may not need an ambulance unless they are taking longer than a couple of minutes to be concious again.
This may sound like a lot, just remember to support their head. That is the most important part and it is over in minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
King M. Rakic
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