Simplify Who You Personify

A toilet is a functional room. 
A fragrance is our chosen expression and an entry point in to prestige brands.
Toys are for playing with and developing your imagination.

"For boys"/"For girls" is how life was marketed to you not so long ago. We have evolved. Disabled toilets have been a unisex "one type suits all" since they were first built. I live in a flat and my toilet is unisex and the fabric of society hasn't collapsed when my female, male and undecided friends have needed to use my bathroom. No judgement there but public toilets, and those within a business, entice a debate on the gender of a toilet and what a transgender person can or can not do.
What makes you smile? 
Wear the fragrance that you like, not what you think your gender should be wearing. Like, feel..versus..shouldn't.

Ask questions when you don't understand and be kind to others. It's not always easy, but it is important.



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