It Is A Privilege To Be Here

5 out of the 7 ticks on the bottom left of the checklist resonates with me.

I guess I thought a privileged person grew up with lots of money in a care free environment. Not my story, but my story wasn't that bad overall.

I am lucky to have a mother, who's husband was a violent alcoholic, that took more than her fair share of violence and she managed to escape with me to create an actual life. A privilege not for all.

I had meningitis at the age of 15 and the doctor told me that I had a 50% chance of never walking again. It was a privilege for me to dance with The National Capitol Dancers in a ballet created by Paul Mecurio.

I could have been 4 ticks out of 7. I take walking for granted as I am an able bodied person. 

No victims here and I never take people for granted.


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