Fear Me Not

"What will happen if I try and I fail?" What will happen if you try and you succeed?

It is perfectly natural to feel fear as it prepares you for options and possibilities of what could happen. Fear of the unknown. Although, everything in moderation as it could work against you if you hold on to that feeling and you let it prevent you from moving forward. Some people find comfort in their fear as it fits like an old sweater and it seems to answer all of their concerns. We are often our own worst enemy as our minds will only give out what you put in to them. 

"The difference between dreaming of what you want and getting what you want is ACTION". But as Mick Jagger sings "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you might find you get what you need". And what if you confront your fears and it goes horribly wrong?! Well my friend, you may just get something as equally valuable as success. You could learn a life lesson. 

 I am still trying to enrol for a course in life lessons, but no one is willing to teach it because what we want and what we need can be extreme opposites, it can vary for individuals and there is no gaurantee of success. Gee that course doesn't sound so appealing does it? But if you work for what it is that you want, try different approaches to getting better results, listen to the negatives but balance it with the positives...then you may succeed indeed. 

One person can change the world, but the flipside of that is that we can't all change the world. Keep working for what it is in life that you want or need. That can change over the years. You got yourself through so much so far, keep it up. 

King M. Rakic 
-Please read a similar blog of mine "School Of Hard Knocks"


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