It's Human Nature
Technology has made the world seem a lot smaller and more accessible than how things were 10 years ago. Small businesses can now go global overnight if they plan to do so. We can work from home, stay in bed if we like, order our groceries to be delivered to our house. Soon there may not be a need for you to speak to a person again, just send a hologram.
What will the future generations do for social interactions if we close businesses down to solely run them online? Will we find a cure for diabetes and weight gain so that there is no longer a need for us to watch what we eat or to exercise? Was the movie The Matrix a well written piece of fiction or a preview into our future?
I love technology and how well it has acted as a tool to help us to grow individually and how it has helped us to try to understand the world a little bit better overall. But everything in moderation.
Yes we are able to hear news from other countries in real time on our "smart phones", does that mean that we completely comprehend what is happening overseas and what can be done to help those in need? Sometimes the more that I think that I know what it would be like to live in another country, the more I realise that I do not know. Hearts can't begin to heal with facts alone.
.The power of the human spirit is a wonderful thing, we should never lose that to something that we can simply Google. Let's make educated guesses and go with our gut feelings again. Sometimes you win, the other times you learn.
"Charity (and peace) starts at home". Support your local small businesses, and even the larger ones, by shopping with them at least once a month. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it is if even a quarter of the households in your neighbourhood did this with you. Plus the physical exercise will do us all some good.
We do not need a new mobile phone every 12 months, which may end up in landfill. We want, not need. With so many gadgets to help to make things more convenient for us, it is starting to feel a bit too inconvenient.
King M. Rakic
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