Bernadine Bogusz - I Salute You

Bernadine Bogusz & King M. Rakic
Today I have the sad task of saying farewell to a great friend, co-worker, sister from another mister and spiritual protector as she makes her way to the dizzy heights of certain success in Dubai.

I thought that I knew skincare until Bernadine taught me the wonders of cosmedics that can only be sold in specialist beauty salons and spas. I thought that I knew what a spa offered, until Bernadine taught me of what the correct angle one should hold a towel when presenting it to your client. It is that attention to detail and so much more, that a perfectionist like myself appreciates.

Bernadine you will go far and however far that is, you will always have my heart.

I salute you and thank you for coming into my life. Now go out there and make me proud, you always do.


Bernadine Bogusz for Espavita


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