Sensitive Emotions, Skin & Areas

Skincare lightening products have entered the Australian market quite late in terms of the global market and there is a particular reason for this. Our ozone layer is a lot thinner than the rest of the world and we burn faster. Add to that a skin lightening product and it could be a recipe for disaster. Fortunately formulations mostly contain a sunscreen now and education to the hazards of lightening skin without a sunscreen has increased.

But what about the rest of your body which may experience pigmentation which is covered up?

In the beauty world, anal and genital bleaching is not as taboo a request as you might think. What should be taboo is the harsh chemicals used to lighten your skin such as hydroquinone as it has been labelled as a potential carcinogen. Whether there is or is not proof that a chemical based product may be volatile and cause irregularities in the skin that may cause cancer is not so important when there are safer and cost effective, natural based alternatives on the market.

I have risked it in the past, but after researching it further, I felt it was more for my peace of mind as I didn't want to take this risk again. There aren't many natural alternatives on the market, and some posed as a risk themselves as I dug deeper into the internet and into text books. After many days of searching, I came across South Beach Lightening Gel.

KMR BEAUTE-No Affiliation With South Beach Skin Solutions, Just Loved.


Anal bleaching was not my primary focus for searching for a skin lightening treatment, but once I read more about the range, I thought that maybe it is worth a try as this was a large industry trend some fifteen years ago. 

I had small brown spots all over my body which I wanted to lighten. I painstakingly applied the gel/lotion on each spot night and day with a cotton bud. I didnt want rub it into the area as I didn't want my skin to lighten around the spots. After a while I did end up just applying it to the area in general and this did not affect the surrounding skin colour.

With the anal area, the skin doesn't appear that dark once it is pulled, the darker colour seems to be more present when the skin is puckering. You need to make sure that the area is clean and dry before applying the lotion.

The next step would be to stand in front of the mirror in a "comfortable" position to make sure that you can see yourself applying an even amount of the lotion. Some Cirque De Soleil skills may come in handy at this point. With time you can do this quickly out of eye sight. 

The lotion tube took me over six months to finish as the areas which I treated where quite small. Most of my brown spots reduced 80-90% in colour. Some of my lighter spots nearly vanished completely.

Please wear sunscreen on exposed skin and see your dermatologist or general practitioner who performs skin checks at least once a year as a general check up.



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