KMR Beaute Enters Its 21st Country

I started my blog to showcase products and services that I believe will help people get positive results; be it with cosmetics or business services. I wanted to stamp it with my seal of approval from my background in retail, hospitality and the corporate sector.

I am based in Australia, but I have a global mentality which is why with every new country who discovers KMR Beaute, I will do what I can to look into your local products and services to include them and for me to put my unique and positive perspective into my reviews and editorial pieces. My passport is up to date if you would like to fly me to meet with you.

I am humbled by the international response that I have received to my blog which is why in January 2015 I have launched a video channel and an Instagram page in order to complement this blog and my Facebook page to give you exclusive points of difference to your KMR experience.

A special thank you to my friends in Australia and America who have followed me from the start as well as Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, China, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, New Zealand, Macau, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Germany, Venezuela, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Ethiopia. 

I have more reviews in my pipeline and I thank the suppliers and businesses who have welcomed me with their products and services. I am always open to your suggestions.

Thank you one and all.



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