KMR-Same But Different
Each website has a different perspective on the KMR Beaute ethos.
The correlation of Beauty, Business Advice and Positivity
isn't simply a combination of my work history and attitude. It is also indicative of what any
business in any sector should strive for. Don't we all put on a face when we
meet clients or our customers? Men put on a business suit and straighten their
tie before a meeting. How about some great skin to give you that extra confidence.
Positivity speaks for itself. I'm not talking about "fake it til you make it" smiles. I'm talking about really believing in yourself, your staff and your products/services.
Positivity speaks for itself. I'm not talking about "fake it til you make it" smiles. I'm talking about really believing in yourself, your staff and your products/services.
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Exclusive video, management training tips and general shenanigans.
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